AHEAD-DC RRTC Research Project 5


Development and Implementation of an Equity Index to Facilitate Changes by Health Care Systems (R5)

It is well known that individuals with disabilities experience significant disparities related to access to and quality of health care. People with disabilities with compounded marginalization based on race, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, or other identities typically experience the worst outcomes. Despite the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act in 1990, research continues to demonstrate that that health care systems often do not provide the accommodations or services that individuals with disabilities require to receive quality health care. Research and legal cases suggest that the causes involve both provider-level factors, including implicit bias, as well as systemic discrimination, including a lack of sign language interpreters or accessible environments.

This research project is focused on changing health care systems and their associated programs, policies, and practices to enhance access to and quality of care for patients with disabilities, particularly those from marginalized and traditionally underrepresented communities. This project is modeled after the successful Healthcare Equality Index created by the Human Rights Campaign for promoting more equitable and inclusive care for LGBTQ+ patients and their families.

The main goals of this project are:

  • To develop a “report card” consisting of items relevant to equity in health care access and quality for individuals with disabilities. People with disabilities will be able to provide input in the development of the card.
  • To rate health care systems based on this report card.
  • To create individualized reports that highlight both the quality of care these health care systems provide as well as their potential liability for not complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act and other regulatory guidelines.

High performers will be identified and recognized for best practices. Reference information about all associated clinics and health care systems will be available on the web to increase transparency and accessibility of information.