October 1, 2021

2021 Disability Research Symposium

9:00 am to 1:00 pm


The U-M CDHW Disability Research Symposium consisted of research and TEDx style presentations highlighting the diverse disability research being conducted at the University of Michigan. The keynote speaker was Dr. Anjali Forber-Pratt, Director of National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR). Anjali J. Forber-Pratt, Ph.D. is a disability activist, a two-time Paralympian and the Director of the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) in the Administration for Community Living.

Symposium presentations were broadly split between identifying challenges faced by individuals with disabilities and in creating solutions to improve healthcare for individuals with disabilities. Specific session topics addressed wearable technologies, artificial intelligence, transforming healthcare systems, and the experiences of diverse groups such as Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals and adults with physical disabilities. See the full listing of session topics below.

At this time, we will NOT be offering CE / CME credits for attendees.

Conference Agenda

9:00am: Welcome & Overview of Symposium by McKee / Meade

9:10am: Keynote Presentation by Dr. Anjali Forber-Pratt, Director of NIDILRR

9:40am: Q&A for Keynote Presenter

9:50am: Transition / Introduction to Presentations

9:55am: Maternal Health Experiences of Black Deaf and Hard of Hearing Women in the United States by Kaila Helm

10:08am: Emergency department communication experiences of deaf American Sign Language users by Tyler James

10:21am: Later-Life Incidence of Mobility Limitations Among Older Adults: Impact on Path Control Performance and Intervention by Kamolnat Tabattanon

10:34am: Comprehensive Medication Reviews for Persons with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities at Michigan Medicine by Steven Erickson

10:47am: Presentation by Mark Peterson (topic to be announced soon)

11am: Breakout groups / Discussion

11:15am: Break (10 minutes)   

11:25am: Transforming Healthcare Systems by Michelle Meade

11:38am: RehabBuddy: Extending Individualized Physical Rehabilitation beyond the Clinic using Wearable Motion Sensors by Samir Rawashdeh

11:51am: Human-AI Systems for Making Visual Information Accessible to People with Visual Impairments by Anhong Guo

12:04pm: Development of Disability Tab to Enhance   Access to Care for Patients at Michigan Medicine by Michael McKee

12:17pm: “It’s people’s attitudes”: Challenges encountered by adults with physical disabilities by Lisa Reber

12:30pm: Discussion / Break out groups

1pm: Official End of Conference


For more information:

Call: (734) 615-6720
Email: UM-Disability-Health@med.umich.edu