October 18, 2023

NBME Guide for Requesting Accommodations on the Step Exams

4:00 pm to 5:00 pm

This event took place online Via Zoom.


YouTube Video of Part 3 of the NBME Guide for Requesting Accommodations on the Step Exams Webinar

Part 3: Assisting Students with Crafting the Personal Statement

The personal statement is the student’s only opportunity to contextualize their disability in the context of their personal experiences and the examination. It’s a critical element of their packet and often times a source of great personal distress. Providing concrete guidance to students, along with a suggested outline, personal statement prompts, and support in editing increases the chances that students applications will be understood and reflect the level of detail needed to meet the NBME standards. In this webinar, the presenters will assist the audience with understanding the aforementioned items and the necessary steps for submitting a quality personal statement.
For more information on DWDI: https://www.docswithdisabilities.org/