


National Resource



Employment, Independent Living & Support Services


employment, physical disability, neurological disorders, pain management, vocational rehabilitation, job, university, RRTC


The goal of this project at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago in the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab is to promote job retention by persons with physical disabilities. Project partners include Northwestern University, the University of Washington, the University of Illinois at Chicago, and two regional ADA Centers.

Services Provided

This center conducts a randomized control trial comparing an evidence-based, telehealth pain self-management intervention, adapted to address risk and protective factors for employment disability, to a waitlist control in adults who are employed; assesses employer-, client-, job-, and environment-related barriers and facilitators of job retention after vocational rehabilitation; evaluates an implementation science approach to employment interventions in people with Parkinson’s disease; and evaluates job accommodation strategies and assistive technology resources for rural and low resource environments.

Contact Information

Rehabilitation Research Training Center (RRTC) on Employment for People with Physical Disabilities
355 East Erie Street Suite 14S
Chicago, IL 60611-2654