


National Resource



Independent Living & Support Services, Assistive Technology, Health Management & Nutrition, Physical Activity, Recreation & Leisure


assistive technology, exercise, health, healthy living, stroke, post-stroke, RRTC, research, university


This RRTC at Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago within the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab develops and tests innovative strategies to enable people with disabilities to achieve and maintain their optimal health and function; assesses the optimal dosing, cost-effectiveness, and value of selected approaches to achieve and maintain their health and function; and disseminates information regarding these strategies to various stakeholders.

Services Provided

This center conducts knowledge translation activities and builds research capacity through educating future generations of disability researchers, professionals, people with disabilities and their families, and the general public by providing them with the tools and training they need to be able to understand important information regarding health, function, community living, and research methods.

Contact Information

Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Developing Optimal Strategies in Exercise and Survival Skills to Increase Health and Function
355 East Erie Street Suite 14S
Chicago, IL 60611-2654