


National Resource



Independent Living & Support Services


Communication Technologies, Independent living, Information technology, Safety, Traumatic Brain Injury, research, engineering, university, RERC


The primary goals of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center for Community Living, Health, and Function (LiveWell RERC) are to promote ICT access to existing and emerging technologies for all people regardless of ability, and develop and validate ICT applications to improve the capacity for independent living and community participation. 

Services Provided

To accomplish these goals this project includes three research and three development projects. Each project examines important aspects of ICT access. Discovery of User Needs and Preferences for Information and Communication Technologies identifies and confirms users’ needs and access issues related to ICT use, and establishes priorities for potential ICT development independent of technology platforms or form factors. Factors Affecting Acceptance of ICT – People with Disabilities and Caregivers discovers and reports on barriers and opportunities to accessibility and use of wearable, home monitoring and automation technology. Improving Safety and Activity Independence in the Home/Community following TBI is designed to improve safety, increase activity and participation, lessen family burden, and improve life quality through use of self-report measurement paired with technology-based environmental feedback that informs on ability, realistic “next step” goals, treatment, and progress. Development activities include: (1) Technology/Policy Watch and Emerging Issues for ICT Access, to identify mainstream scientific and technology developments that can impact ICT access, policies, guidelines, and standards; (2) Tech Factory – Meeting User Needs by Developing ICT & Software, is comprised of two complementary efforts to respond rapidly to new mainstream ICT development that can be leveraged to meet the needs of people with disabilities; and (3) Use of Behavioral Informatics to Support Safety and Activity Independence in the Home and Community, builds a virtual coach to complement or replaces the hands-on support and assistance provided by a life coach or family member. Finally, training and dissemination activities promote the adoption of new knowledge into practice. This includes student capacity building, as well as consumer and industry engagement to develop and maintain tools and channels for communicating information on accessible ICT produced by the LiveWell RERC. The LiveWell RERC is a partnership between Duke University, the Shepherd Center, and Northeastern University. Additional collaborators include the AGE-WELL National Center of Excellence and University of Toronto in Canada; The Center on Knowledge Translation for Technology Transfer (KT4TT); Side by Side Brain Injury Clubhouse; and commercial partners ilumivu, Samsung, and Verizon.

Contact Information

LiveWell RERC - Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center for Community Living, Health, and Function
2020 Peachtree Road, NW
Atlanta, GA 20201-1426