Site-Specific Study

Applying Health Mechanics to Enhance Bowel and Bladder Health for Persons with Spinal Cord Injury

tools in squares

Principal Investigator: Michelle Meade, Ph.D.


Recruitment: CLOSED

This study evaluated the efficacy of a self-management program, Health Mechanics, to develop and improve bladder and bowel management skills among persons with new SCI. Program participation is expected to prevent bladder and bowel related medical complications, leading to enhanced social participation and quality of life.

People who joined this study were randomized to either the usual care control group or the Health Mechanics intervention and were followed for one year. The intervention group received self-management training via telephone, so that distance from the University of Michigan Health System would not interfere with participation.

The program focused on enhancing skills, encouraging positive health behaviors and empowering people within their environments, recognizing that people have different resources and abilities.

The resource manual for this study is available for download - Health Mechanics: Tools for the Self-Management of Neurogenic Bowel and Bladder for Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury